The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Having done good deeds in one's past (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness The second group of blessings Blessing Five : Having done good deeds in one's past
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Looking After One's Extended Family (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Seventeen :- Looking After One's Extended Family.
The Common Human Goal
Our world does not consist of only those who are warmongers; there are also those who have a strong determination to create a peaceful world.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Looking After One's Extended Family (4)
The World Meditation Day 2010
The World Meditation Day. History and Schedule.
Very Poor
Example of stinginess of a woman who is an underground lottery dealer. In the past she had a good living lifestyle but she didn’t take care of her parents or her relatives even they were in a difficulty situation. After that she broke due to her business of underground lottery. Even in the last time of her life, she didn’t even have a coffin. There was only a mat to wrap her body before burning. How is her life after death? DMC has the answers.
Doctors and nurses by the nature of their work often are involved in birth, ageing, illness and death, but most of them are not interested in Buddhism which teaches the truth about life, why it is so? how should I persuade them to study the Lord Buddha’s
Doctors and nurses by the nature of their work often are involved in birth, ageing, illness and death, but most of them are not interested in Buddhism which teaches the truth about life, why it is so? And how should I persuade them to study the Lord Buddha’s Teachings?
Taking a leap of faith
Looking after one’s Extended Family
All of the trees that stand together in the forest will help each other mutually provide shelter against the gales, storms
The Kathina Ceremony 2010
The Kathina Ceremony 2010 at Dhammakaya Temple and the History of this ceremony